Bilgi bankası
Alfa Laval'ın doksan yıldan fazladır ısı transferi geliştirme alanındaki başarıları, zorlukların çözülmesi ve ekipman performansının iyileştirilmesi konusunda benzersiz bir bilgi birikimi sağlamıştır. Plakalı ısı eşanjörleri hakkında merak ettiğiniz ve öğrenmek istediğiniz tüm sorular için deneyimli uzman ekibimiz size yardımcı olabilir.

Plakalı eşanjör eğitimleri
Online eğitimlerimizle farklı ısı eşanjörleri hakkında daha fazla bilgi edinin. İstediğiniz zaman başlayabilir ve kendi temponuzda ilerleyebilirsiniz. Bilgi kraldır ve biz sizin ona sahip olmanızı istiyoruz, bu nedenle bu bağlantıdaki tüm eğitimler ücretsiz.

Teknik makale: Değişen soğutucu akışkan pazarı
Soğutucu akışkanlar pazarında şu anda büyük bir değişim yaşanıyor. Çevresel kaygılar tarafından yönlendirilen mevzuat, daha düşük küresel ısınma potansiyeline (GWP) sahip yeni alternatifler lehine geleneksel soğutucu akışanların kademeli bir şekilde dönüştürülmesine zorluyor. Çeşitli ısıtma ve soğutma uygulamaları için alternatif soğutucu akışkanların seçilmesi ve yerleştirilmesine ilişkin temel bilgiler için bu teknik makaleyi inceleyin.

Industry-leading guidance from our experts
Unparalleled strength for demanding duties
Pressure Secure is about high mechanical strength, low pressure drop and very high pressure load. Learn more about PressureSecure from Mehrdad Mohammadian, senior design engineer at Alfa Laval.
IceSafe ensures reliable performance
How can you ensure both reliable performance and a long lasting heat exchanger? Listen to Fredrik Strömer, thermal specialist at Alfa Laval.
Refrigerants of tomorrow
Questions about the changes in today’s refrigerants market? Watch this short video about what type of refrigerant to select.
Energy efficiency
Discover advanced features for achieving sustainable, cost-effective energy efficiency in your heating and cooling applications.
AlfaNova: true stainless steel
Get the facts about AlfaNova – a 100% stainless steel heat exchanger built with our patented fusion bonding process
Simplicity for your business
Learn about the steps Alfa Laval has taken to make selecting a heat exchanger less complicated.
Five-point alignment secures a more reliable experience
In the quest to minimize potential downtime, Alfa Laval has developed features for improving heat exchanger reliability. Here, expert Torgny explains the five-point alignment system.
Expect improved serviceability
Features like ClipGrip™ that simplify maintenance help make sure you get the longest life and lowest cost of ownership from your equipment. Watch this video with expert Johan to learn more.
Achieve higher efficiency with CurveFlow™
In this video, Alfa Laval expert Martin explains how advanced features like the CurveFlow™ distribution area enables improved thermal efficiency.
U-turn – a module for ammonia applications
The module -- including a separator and plate heat exchanger ensures minimum pressure drop losses and maximum energy efficiency. Watch this 3 min video to learn more.
RefTight™ sealing system - an expert view
The unique Alfa Laval RefTight™ sealing system enables enhanced, long-term performance in applications with high pressures and temperatures on semi-welded plate heat exchangers.
High performance, low energy consumption with Alfa Laval TK20
The Alfa Laval TK20 semi-welded gasketed plate heat exchanger is optimized to deliver in performance and reliability for heating and cooling of aggressive media.
Refrigeration experts from Bort de Graaf have turned to Alfa Laval’s semi-welded technology
Learn why refrigeration experts Bort de Graaf have chosen Alfa Laval semi-welded technology for their CO2 cascade systems.
Efficient and reliable technology: that is what we do
Only Alfa Laval offers a full range of heat exchange technology for data centers with performance certification from the independent Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI). This gives you confident assurance of efficient performance, but ultimately, the equipment is just the beginning. Find out how we can work with you from day one to make sure your cooling system will deliver reliable, long-term sustainability.
Unique expertise to ensure dependable sustainability over time
Fouling can greatly reduce both the expected lifetime of your heat exchanger as well as its thermal performance. With Alfa Laval as your partner, you have access to the world-leading experts on chemistry and materials technology. They can work with you to identify the potential causes of fouling risks and develop custom strategies to help you prevent it.
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Application brochures
Selection guides
Our customers’ stories
With a history built on more than 90 years of thermal innovation, today Alfa Laval works with clients all over the world, in virtually any industry imaginable. But don’t take our word for it! Click here to read some of our customers’ stories and learn about the ways our advanced plate heat exchanger technologies help them secure more efficient, dependable and sustainable thermal performance.

Heating and Cooling FAQ
See expert answers to the most common questions about heating and cooling technology.

Consultant tools
Based on unique knowledge from decades of experience supplying thermal solutions, Alfa Laval has been able to create a number of resources that you can utilize to facilitate your day-to-day work. Click here to discover BIM files, 3D drawings and other resources to facilitate your day-to-day work.