C series

The Alfa Laval C Series is specially developed to give dairies an ideal solution for cold milk skimming. Milk is more viscous at lower temperatures, which puts higher demands on separation performance. With Alfa Laval’s unique, bottom-fed Hermetic Design, superior skimming efficiency is achieved without compromising the cream quality. The C series of cold milk separators therefore set the industry standard for cold milk skimming.

Dairy PX 18 A, H, C, W, WD and BM Series

True hermetic technology for cold milk skimming

  • Only Alfa Laval’s Hermetic Design can deliver a premium result with high cream concentrations at low temperatures
  • The bottom-fed design reduces shear forces for gentle product treatment that preserves the size of the fat globules
  • Hermetic seals on inlet and outlet prevent oxidation and reduce the foaming of the milk
  • Easy adaptation to process conditions provides increased production flexibility and efficient CIP
  • Energy savings of up to 60% thanks to the Hermetic Design

The Alfa Laval C series of separators is carefully designed to ensure long run times without heating up your milk. It is suitable for applications such as butter and spread processing, as well as milk and cream processing. Due to the viscosity and characteristics of cream at lower temperatures, hermetic separation is the only feasible solution in cold milk skimming. Only Alfa Laval’s unique bottom-fed concept provides true hermetic separation performance with increased flexibility to adjust to varying process conditions.

Additionally, Alfa Laval’s innovative eMotion™ technology prevents excessive heating of the product, while minimizing the separator’s environmental footprint. High-grade, corrosion-resistant stainless steel is used for our C Series cold milk separators to meet the highest hygienic standards with low total cost of ownership over a long equipment lifecycle.

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Saving energy, cutting costs

Alfa Laval separators with Hermetic Design are the most energy-efficient on the market. When our unique eMotion technology is added, minimized air friction brings additional power reduction. Combined, our unique design and technologies can deliver up to 70% energy reduction compared to non-hermetic alternatives on the market.


It starts with Hermetic Design

Alfa Laval dairy separators are made with our unique Hermetic Design as a standard. With an airtight bowl improving the fluid dynamics, the separator consumes up to 60% less power than non-hermetic alternatives.

Learn more about Hermetic Design


eMotion takes it further

eMotion is a unique energy-saving module, available as an add-on for many of Alfa Laval’s dairy separators. By creating a near-vacuum around the separator bowl, eMotion reduces air friction enough to improve energy efficiency with up to 20%. And there are additional benefits of eMotion, such as reduced noise levels, lower cooling requirements, and improved cleanability.

Learn more about eMotion

Economize power usage with Alfa Laval separators

Sustainable is our standard

Alfa Laval wants to help dairy producers make optimal use of every resource in their process. That’s why we build high-efficiency dairy separators that prevent product waste while consuming less energy and water, thanks to unique innovations. Letting you deliver top-quality products that leave a smaller environmental footprint.

Cutting back on water use

Alfa Laval dairy separators are self-cleaning. Thanks to Hermetic Design and our innovative UniDisc disc stack, cleaning is faster and uses less water and CIP liquid than traditional separators. Additional water savings can be made with eMotion. By removing air around the separator bowl, eMotion reduces friction. Cutting the amount of water needed to cool the separator during operation.

Learn more about UniDisc


Using power wisely

Hermetic Design also enables big savings in energy consumption. Thanks to the improved fluid dynamics of air-tight centrifuges, Alfa Laval separators run on 60% less energy than traditional alternatives. To give energy efficiency an extra boost we have developed eMotion. By minimizing air friction in the separator bowl, eMotion brings the energy saving to 70%. Tangibly reducing the environmental impact of dairy production.

Learn more about energy saving


Making every drop count

Alfa laval’s unique Hermetic Design provides low shear in the feed inlet zone, securing gentle product acceleration into the separator. Equally low shear inside the bowl ensures gentle product handling during the separation process. This minimizes product loss and increases separation efficiency. Making sure that not a drop of milk is unnecessarily wasted.

Learn more about Hermetic Design

Fark yaratan özellikler

Alfa Laval separatörlerini farklı kılan, süt ürünleri müşterilerinin üstün hijyenik güven ile birlikte gelişmiş ürün kalitesi elde etmesine yardımcı olan geniş kapsamlı benzersiz ve patentli teknolojileridir. Ayrıca hem su hem de enerji tüketimini önemli ölçüde azaltmayı mümkün kılarak hem işletim maliyetlerini hem de çevresel ayak izini azaltırlar.


Hermetik Dizayn

Yumuşak hızlanma, güçlü verimlilik

Ürün kalitesini artıran ve güç tüketimini önemli ölçüde azaltan benzersiz, hava geçirmez bir hazne.



Daha yüksek verimlilik ve daha düşük maliyetler için mekanik basitlik

Hem bakım hem de enerji maliyetlerini en aza indiren daha az dönen parçaya sahip doğrudan tahrikli bir sistem.



Yeni kapasite ve hijyen seviyesi

Akış hızını %20'ye kadar artırırken temizleme ihtiyaçlarını azaltan radikal yeni disk tasarımı.



kWh başına çıkışı ikiye katlayın

Separatörün friksiyonunu en aza indirerek enerji tüketimini ve CO2 ayak izini %70'e kadar azaltan bir inovasyon.



Olağanüstü katı kapasitesi

Sürekli katı deşarj, ileri işleme veya değerli bir yan ürün olarak bozulmamış ve yüksek konsantrasyonlu bir akış sağladığı için separasyon kapasitesini artırmayı mümkün kılar.

Test, validate, and scale up your next separation solution

Whether upgrading your production line or running a proof of concept, Alfa Laval helps you choose the right separator solution with confidence. Simply get in touch to arrange a consultation and trial at one of our test centres, or to rent a unit for onsite testing.

Testing separation solutions

Contact us to find our dairy partners

Alfa Laval separation equipment plays a critical role in all types of dairies, in all parts of the world. To best serve this market, we work with Tetra Pak as our Global Alliance partner and other selected process integrators in selected regions. Please contact us to connect to an Alfa Laval partner in your region.


Contact us



Separatör Yenilikçisi

Alfa Laval’ın separasyon teknolojisindeki eşsiz yenilikleri hakkında daha fazla bilgi sahibi olmak ister misiniz? 130 yılı aşkın süredir santrifüj teknolojisini yeniden oluşturuyoruz. Separatör Yenilikçisi merkezimizde süreç boyunca öğrendiğimiz bilgilerin çoğunu paylaşıyoruz.

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