Nitrik asit
Corrosion-resistant equipment is essential to nitric acid production which means the material costs alone can be quite expensive. With smart, compact and highly efficient designs, Alfa Laval equipment makes the best use of exotic materials to optimize performance of the plant while minimizing capital costs.
Cooling and condensing gases in nitric acid plants take place in extremely corrosive environments. By working closely with the customer, Alfa Laval can recommmend the optimal material for most duties and ensure a long service life for the equipment.
Due to its compact, gasket-free and fully welded construction, the Alfa Laval Compabloc laser-welded heat exchanger is often the best choice to handle challenging condensing duties.
For cooling duties, there’s an Alfa Laval semi-welded or gasketed plate heat exchangers that matches temperatures, pressures and nitric acid concentrations.
Apart from the main nitric acid process line, Alfa Laval has a broad range of equipment for use in the utility sections of the plant, including equipment for steam condensation, wastewater treatment and high speed separators for lube oil cleaning.