Yeşil hidrojen

Yeşil hidrojenin 2050 yılına kadar enerji pazarının %24'ünü temsil edebileceği beklentileriyle birlikte talep hızla artmaya devam edecek. Yeşil hidrojen, ulaşım veya enerji üretimi için yakıt olarak, proses endüstrilerinde veya binalarda ısı için, enerji depolama için ve kimya endüstrisinde önemli bir hammadde olarak sıfır emisyonlu bir çözüm sunar. Özellikle dönüşümün zor olduğu sektörlerde enerji geçişimizi sağlama konusunda büyük bir potansiyele sahiptir.

Alfa Laval, yeşil hidrojen üretimi, dağıtımı, nakliyesi, depolanması ve kullanımı için en geniş uygun maliyetli ısı eşanjörü portföyünü sunar. 90 yıllık gelişmeye dayalı olarak, kanıtlanmış teknolojilerimiz hidrojen ekonomisi genelinde çeşitli uygulamaları desteklemektedir. Prosesinizde size nasıl destek olabileceğimizi öğrenmeye hazır mısınız? Bugün bize ulaşabilirsiniz.


The vital role of energy efficiency in hydrogen solutions 

Alfa Laval offers the widest range of energy efficient heat exchangers for renewable hydrogen production, distribution, transportation, storage, and use. After 90 years perfecting our proven technologies, Alfa Laval is the partner for all kinds of heating and cooling applications across the hydrogen economy, supporting the industry as it scales up and accelerates the energy transition.

The combination of Alfa Laval’s heat transfer expertise and global manufacturing capabilities make us the right partner in everything from energy efficient electrolyser cooling, balancing-of-plant, and freshwater generation to fuel cell development and dispenser pre-cooling in refuelling stations.

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1. Electrolyser cooling

Did you know that 20-40% of the energy generated by electrolysers is lost as heat? Alfa Laval’s heat transfer technology ensure efficient electrolyser cooling, balancing-of-plant and enables heat reuse.

Explore how Alfa Laval can optimize your electrolyser cooling processes.

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2. Water purification for hydrogen production

High water quality is essential in renewable hydrogen production. But did you know that Alfa Laval’s heat transfer technology makes it possible to use sea or river water in renewable hydrogen production, at the same time as increasing the system efficiency?

Find out more about what Alfa Laval can offer in water purification.

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3. Power-to-X solutions

Converting renewable electricity into vital molecules requires a broad system perspective. Alfa Laval’s expertise and wide range of heat transfer technology can offer efficient heating and cooling in any power-to-X application.

Find out how Alfa Laval can support Power-to-X on an industrial scale.

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4. Fuel cell system optimization

 Converting hydrogen-based fuels back into power is made possible with fuel cells. Alfa Laval’s advanced heat transfer technology allow for reliable heat performance and enable development and scale up of fuel cell system solutions.

Explore how Alfa Laval supports fuel cell systems optimization.

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5. Pre-cooling in hydrogen refuelling

Efficient and safe hydrogen refuelling is important to support a viable, hydrogen-based transportation infrastructure. Alfa Laval’s heat transfer technology allows for optimized pre-cooling in hydrogen refuelling solutions.

Discover Alfa Laval’s unique solution designed to optimize pre-cooling in hydrogen refuelling.  

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Renewable hydrogen value chain


Yeşil hidrojen çözümleri

Alfa Laval'ın geniş termal ve separasyon teknolojileri portföyü, yeşil hidrojene geçişi sağlamak için ideal çözümlerdir. Elektrolizör üretiminde (PEM, Alkalin veya SOEC), elektrolitleri, hidrojeni ve oksijeni soğutmak için verimli plakalı ısı eşanjörleri sunuyoruz.

Plakalı ısı eşanjörü portföyümüz, üretiminizde deniz suyu veya nehir suyu kullanmanıza izin veren tuzdan arındırma teknolojilerini de içerir. Eğer bir deniz tesisi işletiyorsanız bu idealdir. Ve ısı transferi çözümlerimiz, elektrolizörden gelen atık ısıyı suyun tuzunu gidermek için veya bölgesel ısıtma gibi diğer sürdürülebilir amaçlar için geri kazanmayı ve yeniden kullanmayı mümkün kılar.

Sıkıştırma ve soğutma için benzersiz çözümlerin yanı sıra yakıt ikmali istasyonları için yenilikçi kaynaklı ısı eşanjörleri ile hem üretim hem de depolamada varız. Sıfır Sıvı Deşarj (ZLD) teknolojimiz, hidrojen depolamada atıkları sınırlamak için sürdürülebilir bir çözüm sunar.

Alfa Laval ayrıca yakıt hücreleri ve power-to-X için benzersiz ısı transfer çözümlerine sahiptir. Yeşil hidrojene geçişinizi nasıl destekleyebileceğimiz hakkında daha fazla bilgi edinmek için bugün bize ulaşın.

How clean hydrogen is used

Hydrogen is a clean fuel that can be used in many different sectors, as a feedstock for chemical and material production, a fuel for power, and heat generation in both industrial scale and decentralized solutions. It can even be used as fuel in heavy transportation.

Alfa Laval supports heating and cooling needs across the hydrogen value-chain, covering everything mentioned and more. We have products that have been specifically created for fuel cell development, hydrogen refuelling, and industrial balancing of plant. And thanks to our global manufacturing capabilities, we can support efficient utilization of hydrogen and its derivatives.

Low carbon hydrogen enabled by carbon capture

Many technologies and solutions come into play when it comes to accelerating the energy transition, including low carbon hydrogen. This is hydrogen that is produced from efficient carbon capture technology that helps transition away from traditional fossil fuel sources. Want to discover what Alfa Laval offers in carbon capture technologies?

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Energy storage crucial in renewable build-out

Storing intermittent renewable energy for later use will be crucial to unlock the energy transition. Many different energy storing technologies will come into play, and we are ready to support all of them. Want to know more about Alfa Laval’s offerings in energy storage?


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Collaboration accelerates the energy transition

Collaboration across borders is a vital part of accelerating the energy transition. That is why Alfa Laval joined 150 companies worldwide, as a proud supporting member of the Hydrogen Council. The member companies are working together to develop hydrogen solutions across the value chain and foster the clean energy transition.

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A 360° view on activating a hydrogen ecosystem

Hydrogen and its derivatives are crucial in the energy transition and we need to collaborate to achieve a successful full-scale ecosystem from power-to-X-to-power.

That's why Alfa Laval gathered 30 stakeholders across the hydrogen value chain to explore a 360° view on accelerating the activation of a hydrogen ecosystem.

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