Makine yakıt işleme
As a recognized leader in oil treatment, Alfa Laval is the ideal partner to help you get more out of mineral oils. By removing fuel impurities while minimizing losses, our solutions bring long-term protection and economy to engine power installations.
A full scope of supply
Alfa Laval provides thorough protection for your engine power business with complete oil treatment from bunker tanks to main engine. Having built centrifugal separators for over a century, we offer more separation experience than any other supplier. But we also bring you solid expertise in boosters, filters and working with alternative fuels.
Designed for continuous, reliable operation under the harshest conditions, our oil treatment solutions combine low operating cost with high peace of mind.
The easy choice
Simplicity and reliability have always been Alfa Laval hallmarks, and they can be seen more clearly than ever in today’s oil treatment solutions. With features like CentriShoot and CentriLock, our separator discharge system and bowl-locking mechanism, we’ve decreased equipment complexity – and with it both risk and wear.
Likewise, we use modular components and plug-and-play principles that facilitate installation, commissioning and maintenance. So whether you’re preparing a new facility or converting an existing one, the choice of Alfa Laval has immediate advantages with ongoing benefit.